How to Find Us
We Thrive Wellness Centre
161 Front St. Belleville, K8N 2Y6
p. 613.779.7277
f. 613.902.2559
*We are located beside Belleville’s Historic City Hall.
There are 1-hour free parking spots available along Front Street, as well as two municipal parking lots on Front Street directly across from We Thrive. Parking rates are $1/hour in the municipal lots.
Hours of Operation
Monday: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 10am – 6pm
Friday: 10am – 3pm
These are our reception hours. Events/classes often occur outside these operating hours. Our studio is open whenever events are scheduled to occur. Sometimes private appointments are arranged outside of these hours, when agreed upon with your practitioner.
As a wellness centre, we take the opportunity at lunch time to enjoy yoga, meditation or social gatherings. To do this we actually encourage our staff to participate in wellness events and classes over the lunch hour.
So if you need us during that time, and we don’t answer when you call, please leave a message and we will happily return it after lunch.
We try our very best to walk-our-talk xo.