Join Meditation Guide and sound explorer Stef Bourke for an evening of Singing with Crystal Singing Bowls.
“But I don’t know the songs!” Don’t worry, there are no songs, no words to learn, and no melodies to follow.
This is an intuitive musical event where there is nothing to do but show up, be open, be able to listen deeply to the sound in the room, and be willing to share your voice.
Experiencing singing bowls while meditating can be very healing and soothing; you listen with your whole body.
Adding your own voice to the mix brings that vibration right home to a soul level. You become a part of the sound and are an active participant in the balancing of your own body.
Studies have shown that group singing reduces stress and anxiety and contributes to overall mental and emotional health and well-being. The act of singing releases endorphins (hormones that make you feel happy) and oxytocin (a hormone that lowers stress and creates bonding).
This opportunity is open to 6 registrants to experiment with voice and singing bowls. Each participant will have the opportunity to play one (or more) of the crystal singing bowls, harmonize and experiment with their voice, and participate in a vocal experiment.
We will start with a hands-on opportunity to get a feel for making sound with the bowls, followed by a brief meditation so that we can find that space where we are able to tune into one another’s energy, and then the fun begins!
If you’ve got music in your heart that is looking for a way out, this is for you.
Your voice belongs.
**Please note that this event is limited to 8 spots.
Sound Exploration: Singing with Singing Bowls
Thurs, Jan 23 | 7:00 – 8:30pm
We Thrive Wellness Centre
161 Front St | Downtown Belleville
Personal Investment: $40 (+HST)