Join AnnMarie for this gentle morning practice. The purpose of this Gentle Hatha Yoga with Chair class offered each Tuesday morning in series is to gently advance your personal yoga practice. Whether you are striving to evolve your yoga poses or just beginning to...
Join Certified Yoga Practitioner AnnMarie and Certified Meditation Coach Stef Bourke for this gentle yoga practice that blends restorative and yin poses, enhanced by the soothing sounds of singing bowls and voice. Restorative yoga is gentle, supportive, and...
Join Carrie Taylor for this gentle flow yoga series. This class will set you up for a smooth week. This gentle flow yoga series is suitable for all experience levels, beginners through yogis. The practice will stretch your body and soothe your mind, helping you sail...
Join AnnMarie Wolf for this gentle Hatha Yoga Basics series. This Hatha Yoga Basics class is designed to help you explore the basic postures used in the more active styled yoga classes. All classes encourage prop use, including chairs and the wall. We will take our...
Join AnnMarie Wolf for this morning Yin Yoga for Fascia Release series. Yin Yoga offers profound benefits for the fascia, enhancing flexibility, mobility, and overall physical health. Understanding the intricate role of fascia in our body’s functionality...
Welcome to We Thrive, where kindness and compassion are the language we speak. Our door is open. The tea is on. Your health and happiness is our focus. Join us.